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Throughout history, we see that various communities have turned to music as an art form to express emotions, which are the most powerful aspects of our being. Another notable aspect is the use of music as a form of religious expression. In the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and various groups (Syriac, Greek, Armenian, Presbyterian), musical practices are prominent, while in Islam and specifically in Turkey, examples such as the call to prayer recited five times a day, the melodic recitation of praises during the Hajj and Umrah rituals, and the Mevlevi Sema ceremonies represent intertwined forms of music and religion in daily life. According to Tolstoy, "Art is not pleasure, nor consolation, nor entertainment; art is a noble task. Art is the organ that transmits conscious knowledge to emotions in human life." The effects of religious music on human psychology, both as a carrier of collective religious values and as a means of providing religious experience, are intriguing. Therefore, exploring religious music as the subject of a long-term music therapy study, based on the intertwined relationship between religion and psychology, is one of the unique features of this work. This study thoroughly addresses the historical development of music therapy in both Europe and Turkey, the approaches and models used in music therapy, music therapy methods, and principles of practice. The effects and areas of use of music therapy are examined in light of current research findings in the literature. Additionally, this work offers extensive information on music therapy, and includes recent studies on the relationship between music therapy and religion, as well as religious music therapy in both the world and Turkey, which is another distinctive feature of this research.

Online Psikoterapi istanbul Ayşe Kaya Goktepe Online Seans Psikoterapist Online Terapi avrupa Psikoterapi Sınav Kaygısı Evlilik Öncesi Danışmanlık Tükenmişlik Anksiyete Emdr Terapisi Travma Terapisi Uçak Fobisi Kedi istanbul üsküdar besiktas Asansör Şema Terapi Sosyal Fobi Çekingenlik ankara hollanda Psikolog Dr Aile Danışmanlığı Yurtdışı Online fransa izmir Online Psikoterapi Almanya fatih

​The 'burnout syndrome' caused by being exposed to excessive stress is ravaging modern people nowadays... At this time, where owning and consuming is considered equivalent to high status, a new problem awaits the modern person, which he has unwittingly bought and has to deal with: Burnout Syndrome.

"It's like the world is coming at me", "I can't enjoy anything", "I don't have the energy to wiggle my finger", "I don't want to go to work", "I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up in the morning", "I feel like it's the end of everything" and "I want to cry all the time" These familiar phrases that we hear every day from the people around us may be a disease; It points to the Burnout Syndrome.

This health problem, which manifests itself with symptoms such as a feeling of extreme fatigue in the body, unhappiness and boredom, causes a person to experience various problems in almost every aspect of his life, from business life to family life, from his relationship with his spouse to friendships.

This book in your hand examines what is the Burnout Syndrome, the disease of the age, and examines its place in work, family and interpersonal relationships in a wide range. It also raises awareness about Burnout Syndrome by offering practical suggestions on coping with burnout. Attention: Do not run out while consuming your spouse, your job, your friend...

Online Psikoterapi istanbul Ayşe Kaya Goktepe Online Seans Psikoterapist Online Terapi avrupa Psikoterapi Sınav Kaygısı Evlilik Öncesi Danışmanlık Tükenmişlik Anksiyete Emdr Terapisi Travma Terapisi Uçak Fobisi Kedi istanbul üsküdar besiktas Asansör Şema Terapi Sosyal Fobi Çekingenlik ankara hollanda Psikolog Dr Aile Danışmanlığı Yurtdışı Online fransa izmir Online Psikoterapi Almanya fatih



In our country, there are social service institutions called children's houses, children's homes sites and child support centers, which are equipped with the necessary equipment, aiming to build their lives without deprivation of values such as love, compassion and compassion for our children who have not had the opportunity to live in family unity for various reasons. The work has been prepared as a handbook that provides practical information in order to contribute to the efficiency and productivity of our personnel working in the relevant institutions and to set the standard for field-specific spiritual counseling and guidance.

Online Psikoterapi istanbul Ayşe Kaya Goktepe Online Seans Psikoterapist Online Terapi avrupa Psikoterapi Sınav Kaygısı Evlilik Öncesi Danışmanlık Tükenmişlik Anksiyete Emdr Terapisi Travma Terapisi Uçak Fobisi Kedi istanbul üsküdar besiktas Asansör Şema Terapi Sosyal Fobi Çekingenlik ankara hollanda Psikolog Dr Aile Danışmanlığı Yurtdışı Online fransa izmir Online Psikoterapi Almanya fatih



Art therapy is a method that has been proven by scientific research and has therapeutic properties. In this therapy, it is essential for the person to gain awareness and insight. In addition, art therapy offers people an opportunity to get rid of their emotional burdens. People experience a positive transformation in their social relationships through the experiences they experience in the art therapy session. Another beautiful aspect of the treatment is that the person's artistic abilities that were suppressed during the growth process can be revealed and people can specialize in an art after therapy. Even if they do not choose specialization, they learn to use art as a means of expression in their lives.

Book Chapters


  • Kaya- Göktepe, A. (2025). Gençlik merkezlerinde manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlik Spiritual counseling and guidance in youth Centers M. Koç (Ed.), Manevi Danışmanlık ve rehberlik Uygulama alanları. Nobel (in press)

  • Kaya-Göktepe, A. (2019). Çocuklarla manevî danışmanlık ve çocukların manevî ihtiyaçlarına yönelik bir araÅŸtırma: Türkiye örneÄŸi - Spiritual Counseling with Children and a Study on the Spiritual Needs of Children: The Turkish Example.  A. Ayten (Ed.), Manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlik: farklı alanlardan araÅŸtırma bulguları ve deÄŸerlendirme. DEM.

  • Kaya-Göktepe. A. (2017). YaÅŸlılara yönelik manevî danışmanlık ve rehberlikte yeni bir model önerisi: “hayat aÄŸacı modeli”- A New Model Proposal for Spiritual Counseling and Guidance for the Elderly: The "Tree of Life Model"., A. Ayten (Ed.) Manevî danışmanlık ve rehberlik teori ve uygulama alanları. DEM.



  • Kaya-Göktepe, A. (2018). The Effects of Religion-Based Music Therapy on Emotional State, Anxiety, Perceived Stress Levels of University Students. International Journal of Researches of Religion and Philosophy (1), 52-72.

  • Kaya-Göktepe, A. & Düzgüner, S. (2021). The effect of religious music therapy on mood. Mecmua (12), 213-237.

  • Kaya Göktepe, A. (2021). The Role of Popular Music in the Construction of Social Identity – The Example of Local 45’s Songs. Hitit Theology Journal 20(2), 547-588.

  • Kaya- Göktepe, A. (2023). Elimination of Violence Against Women: A Discourse Analysis of the Movie Bergen. KADEM Journal of Women's Studies 9(2), 321-366.

  • Kaya- Göktepe, A. (2024). Mediating Role of Religious Attitude on The Relationship Between Personality and Music Preferences, darulfunun ilahiyat 35(2), 353–386.

  • Kaya- Göktepe, A. (2025). Moderating Role of Religious Attitude on The Relationship between Social Stigmatization and Music Preferences, Archive for the Psychology of Religion (under review)
    Uysal V., Kaya-Göktepe, A., Karagöz S. and Ä°lerisoy M. (2017). A Research about the Relationships and Interactions between Religious Coping, Hope, Life Satisfaction and Psychological Resilience, Journal of Theological and Islamic Studies (JIST) 52, 139-160. ​
    Metin B., Kaya-Göktepe, A., Sütçübaşı K. B., Serin E., TaÅŸ C and Tarhan N. (2017). EEG Findings During Flow State. The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences. 4(2), 42-57. doi:10.5455/JNBS.1496152464

Oral Presentations & Posters 

  •  Kaya-Göktepe, A. (2023). A Perspective on the Historical Journey of the Psychology of Religion from Göbeklitepe, 7th International Göbeklitepe Scientific Research Congress, 11-12 November 2023, Åžanlıurfa/Türkiye (oral presentation).

  • Kaya-Göktepe, A. (2023). Emotions and Spirituality in Musical Experience. 7th International Symposium on Current Developments in Science, Technology and Social Sciences, 26-27 May 2023, Ankara, Türkiye. (oral presentation)

  • Kaya-Göktepe, A. and Balci, S. (2019). Promoting Forgiveness among Turkish Women: A pilot study, XVI European Congress of Psychology 2-5 July, 2019, Moscow, Russia (oral presentation)

  • Kaya-Göktepe A., Karagöz, S. and, Balci, S. (2016). An Empirical Research about the Relationship Between Psychological Resilience, Religious Coping, and Health Behaviours. 1st EuroAsia Positive Psychology Conference. 28-29-30 April, 2016. 62-63. (oral presentation)

  •  Kaya-Göktepe A., Yildiz, N. G. (2016). An Empırıcal Research on the Turkish College Students: The Effect of the Music therapy on Alextyhmia. The 19th National Psychology Congress, 5-7 September 2016, Ä°zmir, Türkiye (Poster)

  • Kaya-Göktepe A., Yıldız, N. G., Metin, B. (2015).  The Effect of Task Engagement on Flow State with QEEG.  Munich Neurophysiology Conference. sept 9-13, 2015. Annual Joint Meeting of ECNS / ISNIP / ISBET, 102-102. (oral presentation)

  • Kaya-Göktepe A., Yıldız, N. G. (2015).  The Effect of Expressive Art Therapy on Flow State and Psychological Well-Being.  The 14th European Congress of Psychology, 1736-1738. (Poster)


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