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When we look at our historical past, we see that various communities have applied to music as an art form to express the emotions that are the strongest part of our selves. The preference of music as a form of expression of religious feelings is another situation we encounter. While musical practices stand out in the religions of Judaism, Christianity and in the religious traditions of various groups (Syriac, Greek, Armenian, Presbyterian), the five-time call to prayer in Islam and Turkey, tasbihat sung in a melodious tone during the pilgrimage and Umrah, the sema rites of the Mevlevi order, music and are examples of intertwined forms of religion in daily life. According to Tolstoy, “Art is neither pleasure nor consolation nor entertainment; Art is a sublime business. Art is the organ that transfers conscious knowledge to emotions in human life. The effects of religious music, intertwined with psychology, on human psychology, both as a carrier of collective religious values and providing the opportunity for religious experience, are intriguing. Therefore, considering the intertwined relationship between religion and psychology, the subject of a long-term music therapy study of religious music is one of the qualities that makes this study unique.

In this study; The history of the development of music therapy both in Europe and Turkey, approaches and models used in music therapy, music therapy methods and application principles are covered in detail. In the light of current research findings in the literature, the effects and usage areas of music therapy are examined. In addition to presenting extensive information on the subject of music therapy, the relationship between music therapy and religion, and current research on music therapy with religious content, made in the world and in Turkey, is another feature that makes this study unique.

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Resulting from exposure to extreme stress 'burnout syndrome' is a havoc of modern humans in now ... is to own and equivalent to the higher statin consume seen at this time of modern man, has purchased unwittingly, and is waiting for a new challenge where you have to deal with: Burnout Syndrome

"It's as if the world is coming to me", "I can't enjoy anything", "I don't have the energy to move my finger", "I don't want to go to work", "I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up in the morning", "I feel like I've come to the end of everything" and "I want to cry all the time" These familiar sentences we hear from people around us every day may be caused by a disease; It points to the Burnout Syndrome.

This health problem, which manifests itself with symptoms such as excessive fatigue, unhappiness and boredom in the body, causes a person to experience various problems in almost every aspect of his life, from business life to family life, from relationship with his spouse to friendship relations.

This book in your hand examines the role of Burnout Syndrome, which is the disease of the age, in a wide range of work, family and interpersonal relationships. It also provides an awareness of Burnout Syndrome by offering practical advice on dealing with burnout. Attention: Do not be exhausted while consuming your spouse, job, friend ...

Online Psikoterapi istanbul Ayşe Kaya Goktepe Online Seans Psikoterapist Online Terapi avrupa Psikoterapi Sınav Kaygısı Evlilik Öncesi Danışmanlık Tükenmişlik Anksiyete Emdr Terapisi Travma Terapisi Uçak Fobisi Kedi istanbul üsküdar besiktas Asansör Şema Terapi Sosyal Fobi Çekingenlik ankara hollanda Psikolog Dr Aile Danışmanlığı Yurtdışı Online fransa izmir Online Psikoterapi Almanya fatih



In our country, there are social service institutions called children's homes, children's homes sites and child support centers that offer professional services, aiming for our children who could not find the opportunity to live in family integrity for various reasons, without depriving them of values ​​such as love, affection and compassion. The work has been prepared as a handbook that provides practical information in order to contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of our staff working in the relevant institutions and to create a standard of spiritual counseling and guidance specific to the field.

Online Psikoterapi istanbul Ayşe Kaya Goktepe Online Seans Psikoterapist Online Terapi avrupa Psikoterapi Sınav Kaygısı Evlilik Öncesi Danışmanlık Tükenmişlik Anksiyete Emdr Terapisi Travma Terapisi Uçak Fobisi Kedi istanbul üsküdar besiktas Asansör Şema Terapi Sosyal Fobi Çekingenlik ankara hollanda Psikolog Dr Aile Danışmanlığı Yurtdışı Online fransa izmir Online Psikoterapi Almanya fatih



Art therapy is a method that has been proven by scientific research and has therapeutic properties. In this therapy, it is essential for the person to gain awareness and insight. In addition, art therapy offers people an opportunity to relieve their emotional burden. People experience a positive transformation in their social relationships through the experiences they experience in the art therapy session. Another nice aspect of the treatment is that it can reveal the artistic abilities of the person that are suppressed during the growth process and people can specialize in an art branch after therapy. Even if they do not choose specialization, they learn to use art in their lives as a means of expression.

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